Tea Towels, Third Drawer Down®: A Piece of Tea (2005)
Written by kris & katie on October 2, 2007. Permalink

A few people have emailed us about Third Drawer Down®, and pretty much the only reason there hasn’t been a post until now is because it’s difficult to choose just one to highlight. They have made common objects such as aprons, tea towels and kercheifs into usable art and I know there’s quite a few I would frame. Also, keep in mind these would be excellent gifts for anyone who has a kitchen (which is almost everyone).
“By placing art into the most domestic of circumstances, Third Drawer Down® products promote an ongoing dialogue between art and everyday life, whilst promoting the work of International Artists and Designers.”
Shown above (left):
A Piece of Tea (2005),
Frederique Daubal (FRA)
Screenprint and Embroidery on 100% Linen Tea Towel
70cm x 50cm,
Edition: 1000
about $36.00 plus postage
Shown (right):
Portrait of a History of Modern Art as a Sanitary System (1993),
Margaret Morgan (US)
Screenprint on 100% Linen
50cm x 70cm,
Tags: Gifts, Gifts $26-$50, Third Drawer Down