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Rugs by Richard Woods

Rugs by Richard Woods

Hey, you lucky few that aren’t gasping and reeling at this very moment from the close-to-five-figure price tag, let’s talk about how fun these rugs are. Aren’t they fun? Aren’t they colorful and wonderful and just simply delightful? Don’t you just love, love, love when artists get into the home furnishings market with products that would simply sing in your own home? No matter the about the price. Because you can just simply plonk down the cash and wait for the delivery and ta-da! then you have a lovely, wonderful piece that you can say, ‘oh, that thing? oh, yes, I just picked that up from [insert high-end retailer or gallery] and it’s by [insert artist’s name], you know, we just luuuve his/her pieces…’ and then carry on like it’s no big deal. Isn’t it just nice when you can do that sort of thing.

Now that I’ve got that grumbling out of my system, I actually do think these rugs by Richard Woods are wonderful. And delightful. I really, truly do. It’s just a shame that I can’t quite afford the prices right now. Lucky for you if you can.

RW 02 Rug, shown above, 97.5 Inches, Width: 62.4 Inches, $9,502.00

Richard Woods Rugs
RW 07, Height: 89.7 Inches, Width: 81.9 Inches, $10,314.00

RW 08
RW 08, Height: 97.5 Inches, Width: 52.7 Inches, $7,344.00

RW 09
RW 09, Height: 101.4 Inches, Width: 58.5 Inches, $8,828.00

Available from YOOX, 9,502.00.

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