Salad servers are one of those things that get overlooked, unless you did (or are doing) the whole gift registry thing for your wedding/celebration/housewarming/etc. Personally, I don’t think I’ve ever owned a specific pair of salad servers (the shame!) and running across these three options, I might just decide to remedy the situation. See below for details on each set.
Krenit Salad Servers by Herbert Krenchel, $25.00 (or $30.00 at huzza.net)
These melamine servers are designed to lay perfectly inside the Krenit Salad Bowl ($30), or $145 for the steel version, fyi.
Resin Servers by Tina Frey, $95.00
I picked a rather unexciting white version for the above picture, but be sure to note the many colors this comes in (blue, root beer, green, gray, pink, red, yellow) as well as the matching Marcus Salad/Fruit Bowl for $240.
Last but not least, oiled ebony John Pawson Salad Servers, $87.00
Tags: Gifts, Gifts $26-$50, Gifts $76-$100