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Stockmar Beeswax Block Crayons

Stockmar Beeswax Block Crayons

Remember the Wax Crayons from DWR back in 2008? Well, when they stopped carrying them, several of you wrote in with alarmed enquiries, thinking you had missed the boat. You had, of course, missed the boat, and no amount of substitutes (Block Crayons, Crystal Crayons, Crayon Rings) could make you forget the original. But now, these many years later, you may mop up those tears, for your misspent childhood is not lost forever. It seems as if a little internet sleuthing has turned up the same set, or as close to the same set as possible.

They’re Stockmar wax crayons; pure beeswax is used as a binding agent, so colors achieve their purity and full brilliance. Note the almost exact same color configuration to the photo from DWR (there’s obviously a diffference in lighting):

block crayons

So, are you happy?

Available from hazelnut kids, $27.00.

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