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Domestic Wall Sticker Animals 2

If you happen to remember the Forêt Noire Scenic Wallpaper, you might recognize some of these little guys. Designed by the same Nathalie Lété, these vinyl wall stickers are sure to keep you in good company. They’re self-adhesive and could be an excellent alternative to wallpaper wherever you want- and don’t go putting these in the ‘only suitable for kids’ box. In fact, you are hereby challenged not to put these in a kid’s room- scatter them throughout a hallway or wherever else they look at home.

Purchase Information:

Price: $70.00
Available from: greenergrassdesign

DIY Kits from Haptic Lab

Remember Haptic Lab’s Great Lakes Quilt that was featured last week? If you like the look of a modern city quilt and are known to be handy with a needle and thread, think about purchasing one of their DIY kits. Choose from several cities- each basic kit comes with a 36″ x 42″ single-use map template and sewing instructions while a full kit ($74) includes the material and thread in ivory as well. Choose your own fabric with the basic kit and you’ll have a nice project to work on with a one-of-a-kind end result (that would make an excellent gift, by the way, but after all that work, everyone will understand if you decide to keep it for yourself). Keep in mind the 36″ x 42″ size is large enough for a crib quilt or wall hanging.


Purchase Information:

Price: $38.00
Available from: Haptic Lab

Cork Map

If you’re running a global enterprise, what better way to show off than with a cork map in your office? I’m halfway kidding, of course, as a cork map might be better suited to a kid’s room than a swanky need-to-impress-clients sort of office. In any case, it’s a cork map, and you could pin all sorts of stuff to it until your heart’s content. Mark where you’ve been, chart your future travel destinations, plan your bucket list, etc.


Purchase Information:

Price: $45.00
Available from: Uncommon Goods

Themis Mono Mobile

Fun! Check out this new mobile designed by Clara Von Zweikbergk. It’s a twelve-sided geometric shape (otherwise known as a dodecahedron, correct?) that has both warm and cool colors, all carefully chosen, of course, for the best contrast and visual appeal. At 12″x12″, it can hang by itself or in clusters.

Purchase Information:

Price: $44.00
Available from: YLiving

Bicycle by Ugo Gattoni

Bicycle is a intricate and detailed drawing from artist Ugo Gattoni. The 8×13″ book is unassuming at first, but unfolding its ten panels reveals a London bicycle race featuring elite athletes, cycle couriers, commuters, bankers, delivery boys, mums with kids, youths on stolen mountain bikes, fashionistas, hipsters, a giant pig, and much, much more. Bicycle is both a book and frameable print. To really appreciate the dedication and talents of Ugo, be sure to check out this making-of video.

Purchase Information:

Price: $24.95
Available from: Nobrow

Source: Booooooom

United States Chalkboard Map

Oh, the various situations where this map would be useful. One: to test your guest’s knowledge of states (Where is Arkansas!) and then get depressed at how little they know. Two: to mark the states you should never ever visit due to their political atmosphere. Three: to plan your escape should your family encounter imminent danger, though that would be foolish considering interstate highways aren’t drawn in. Four: to practice memorization of interstate highways so you know how to escape should your family encounter imminent danger. Etc. I’m sure you’ll think of many more.

Purchase Information:

Price: $168.00
Available from: Terrain

“What Good…” Enamel Steel Sign

It’s a sentiment worth considering, whether you need a sign to remind you or not. Hang it near the front door, next to your computer, or maybe even bookmark it as a gift option for someone dear. Taken from Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography outlining his daily employment. See Benjamin Franklin’s daily scheme over at Daily Routines.


Purchase Information:

Price: $28.00
Available from: Best Made Co.

Woodsnap Wood Prints

If printing on glass isn’t your thing, how about wood? Southern California-based Woodsnap prints your artwork directly to maple canvas. By allowing the woodgrain to show through, the prints take on a natural, earthy look. Prices start at $30 for an 8×8″ and go up to $300 for a 30×40″; custom sizes are also available. Each print comes with mounting hardware.

Purchase Information:

Price: $30.00 and up
Availability: Buy Woodsnap Wood Prints here

Wanderer Print by RISINGgoods

If you’re looking for inexpensive art, you’d do well to check out the offerings on Valerie Rubinaccio’s RISINGgoods Etsy shop. There’s quite a few pleasing geometric landscapes, and they’d make an impact without leaving a huge hole in your wallet.

Purchase Information:

Price: $28.00
Available from: RISINGgoods on Etsy

Printstagram Mini Instagram Stickers

There’s a ton of options for printing Instagram photos, but none are going to be as fun these cute little 20mm stickers. Comes in a booklet of 252 stickers per order, so rest assured you’ll have enough to pass around.

Purchase Information:

Price: $10.00
Availability: Buy Printstagram Mini Instagram Stickers here

Source: Svpply

Hand Drawn Map of London

This charming hand drawn map of London by Jenni Sparks shows the boroughs, neighborhoods, and landmarks, as well as quite a few other hallmarks like celebrity birthplaces and local markets. And, yes, even the tube map, so don’t fret. The detail won’t disappoint (more images below).


Purchase Information:

Price: £130.00
Available from: Evermade

Balancing Blocks White

We’ve got a quick upate on the previously posted Balancing Blocks, which are now available in a more muted and understated white. Handemade from furniture scrap in Brooklyn, NY. Comes packaged in a screen printed cotton drawstring tote.

Purchase Information:

Price: $70.00
Available from: The Future Perfect

The Universe and The Galaxy

There’s nothing like a few space prints to make you look like a complete nerd smartypants, and I’d vote for these two by Mike Gottschalk. They’re inexpensive and impressive with just enough text to put things in perspective. (Pretty perfect for those of us not afraid of being nerds.) These prints are also available framed or on stretched canvases, fyi.

Purchase Information:

Price: $18.00 each
Available from: society6

Source: Via

Petri Dish with Dome Cloche

Oh, how to display your precious objects? Or tiny plants? Those special collectibles and/or living specimens can now live protected in a small glass petri dish under a similarly smallish glass dome. Fact: objects in glass domes make you look smart, unlike just petri dishes, which, if you left lying around, would make people think you’re really weird, or a scientist.

Purchase Information:

Price: $45.00
Available from: Sprout Home

World Map (Black)

Sure, a world map is okay wall art, especially as you can try to absorb something while you’re staring off into space not working, but what about a black world map, that will look even better once you add your own scribbles and notes to it? That would be pretty cool, and a very excellent way to chart your travels around the world.

Purchase Information:

Price: $13.90